Level 1 – Conquer territories
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This first game session, very simple, is accessible free of charge after registration.
It shows the importance of strategies for conquering territories. It features three family companies: a Breton, a Savoyard and a Northerner who have developed extraordinary bread ranges and, thanks to their regional presence, want to open bakeries throughout France.
You will be the head of Pochic, the Breton company. Your two competitors, from the North and Savoie, will be managed by artificial intelligence.
You will face them for 10 virtual years. Every year lasts 3 minutes, a game lasts half an hour.You can play as many games as you like.
To finance your development, you can count on your ability to self-finance and on the debt leverageYou can also disinvest from some regions to invest in others.
Level 1 – Bakeries – Value of companies
(companies and fictitious data)
In this first game session, artificial intelligences are of average strength, the means of action limited and the games’ duration is short; it is a training phase.
Levels 2 to 4, accessible to subscribers, allow them to put into practice the advanced concepts of the course.
Level 1 – Bakeries – Board of Directors of Pochic Company
(companies and fictitious data)