Rules of the High School Students’ Competition Libsco / Strathena 2019


Interactive 4D and the “Fondation pour l’école” would like to encourage young people to take an interest in the company and discover their potential as strategists.To this end, they offer high school first grade students in France the opportunity to play the Strathena Business Strategy game, as part of a competition. The objectives of the organizers are to to identify and develop talent throughout France, without distinction as to their establishment of affiliation (public, private, generalist, professional).


Competition organizers

– La société Interactive 4D (SARL INTERACTIVE 4D, numéro SIRET 449 332 808 00020, siège social : 19 rue de l’Hôtel des Postes, 06 000 Nice)

– La Fondation pour l’école, organizer of the Salon de la liberté pédagogique LIBSCO (Fondation pour l’école, Fondation reconnue d’utilité publique, siège social 43 rue du Colisée, 75008 Paris, SIRET 509 436 820 00013).


Name of the competition

High School Competition-Game Libsco/Strathena 2019


Duration and schedule of the competition


Le Concours des lycéens Libsco/Strathena 2019 dure du 4 février 2019 au 6 avril 2019.

Competition registrations are open from February 4, 2019 to March 18, 2019 at midnight.

The training phase of the competition, accessible to all high school students in a participating establishment, is open from February 4, 2019 to February 24, 2019 at midnight.

The qualification phase dof the competition, accessible to the 3 best high school students from each participating school, is open from February 25, 2019 to March 24, 2019 at midnight.

The announcement of the 4 finalist teams/establishments will take place no later than March 28, 2019.

The final phase of the competition will take place on Saturday, April 6, 2019 in Paris, at the Libsco fair


Registration fees

The registration fees are set at €60 per participating school. Registration is free for the first 50 high schools.


Competition modalities


  1. Criteria for participating in the competition: only high school students attending public, private contractual or independent (non-contractual) public, private or independent schools in France in 2018-2019 are eligible to participate in the Strathena competition, whose final will take place in Paris XIIe at the Espace Charenton on April 6, 2019 as part of LIBSCO, the “Salon de la liberté pédagogique” fair. There is no age criteria. High school first grade students in all general, technological or vocational sections are admitted to the competition without distinction.


  1. Choices of participants : The establishments are invited to offer their students in the first grade to participate in this competition on a voluntary basis. At the end of the training phase, only 3 players per school will be able to participate in the qualification phase and, if necessary, in the final phase.


  1. The registrations are online and are open from February 4, 2019, moyennant une participation de 60€, for a fee of 60€, to be paid online via the website This registration gives the right for each establishment to:
    a. the participation of as many students as desired for the training phases of the competition,
    b. the participation of its 3 best players for the competition phase,
    c. the participation in the live final at Libsco if necessary,
    d. the transfer of image rights for the report on the Libsco fair and participation in the television show, if applicable.


  1. Access to the game: the game is accessible on computer (PC or Mac) on the website. via a recent Internet browser and on an Android or iPad tablet using the Strathena application, which can be downloaded free of charge fromGoogle Play orApp Store.


  1. The training phase of the competition, accessible to all high school students in a participating school, is open from February 4, 2019 to Feberuary 24, 2019 at midnight. All participants in an establishment are free to play, with no limit on the number of games played. hen, they will play against artificial intelligence at the first session. They will discover their scores and rankings on computer. On February 24, 2019 at midnight, the Strathena game closes its access, pending its reopening to the 3 best players in each establishment


  1. The Qualification Phase of the Competition , accessible to the 3 best high school students in each participating school, is open from February 25, 2019 to March 24, 2019 at midnight. The competition will take place over two mandatory game sessions.The rules of the game specific to Strathena apply.


  1. The institution is responsible for nominating its 3 best participants, based on the scores indicated by the game. The establishment will have to contact as soon as possible at the following address to give the surname, first name, class, email and telephone of each of these 3 participants
    , so that a game-specific access code can be provided to them. On March 24, 2019 at midnight, access to the Strathena game is blocked in order to determine the winners among all participants.


  1. The announcement of the 4 finalist teams/establishments will take place no later than March 28, 2019. The scores of the best game played by each of the 3 participants from each establishment will be added together. The 4 best establishments will be selected to participate in the final. In case of withdrawal from an establishment, the establishment arrived in 5th position will be selected, and so on, in order to have 4 participating teams of 3 players each on the day of the final. Each team will have to nominate a team captain for the participation in the TV show on BFM Business.


  1. The final of the competition will take place on Saturday April 6, 2019 at Espace Charenton in Paris, within the Libsco fair, in real conditions and in public. For this final, session “C” will be played. The rules of the game specific to Strathena apply.


  1. Prizes and awards: The winning team is the one that obtains the highest score at the end of the time set by the referee.

a.A “Gold Strategist” certificate will be awarded to each member of the winning team and their institution; a “Silver Strategist” certificate will be awarded to the second team and its establishment; a “Bronze Strategist” certificate will be awarded to the third team and its establishment. A certificate of participation will be awarded to the last team.

b. The team leaders of the 4 finalist teams will be invited to the set of the BFM Stratégie show on TV channel BFM Business hosted by Xavier Fontanet.


  1. Expenses incurred:

a. Any travel and accommodation expenses are the responsibility of the participants.

b. The computer equipment and internet connection necessary for participation in the game are the responsibility of the participants during the training and qualification phases. For the final on April 6, 2019, the computer equipment necessary to participate in the game is the responsibility of the participants and the Internet connection is the responsibility of the organizer.


  1. In accordance with the law on the freedom of information and the GDPR (General Data Protection Régulation), participants will have the right to access, rectify and delete data concerning them upon written request to The organisers commit themselves not to provide the collected data (participating establishments, names of finalists, etc.) under any circumstances without their written authorisation.